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Working Example

Send Email
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Working Example

Page Code

// For full API documentation, including code examples, visit

import wixUsers from 'wix-users';

import wixCrm from 'wix-crm';

import wixData from 'wix-data';


// Contact record is an object used to validate contact record information and generate objects needed for saving info to

// The local data collection as well as createContact function calls

class contactRecord {

    constructor() {

        this.changesMask = 0;

        this.contactRecordObject = {};

        this.masks = {









// ready is called to verify that all required properties have been entered.

    ready() {

        let testMask = 0;

        for (var property in this.masks) {

            if (this.masks.hasOwnProperty(property)) {

                testMask |= this.masks[property];



        return this.changesMask === testMask;



// Maskset is used to test if a mask for a specific property is set

    maskSet(property) {

        let result = (this.masks[property] ? (this.changesMask & this.masks[property]) > 0 : false);

        return result;



// dataCollectionObject generates an object for saving to the dataCollection

    dataCollectionObject() {

        let resObj = {};

        let value = this.contactRecordObject['_id'];

        if (value) {

            resObj.contactId = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['firstName'];

        if (value) {

            resObj.firstName = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['lastName'];

        if (value) {

            resObj.lastName = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['email'];

        if (value) {

   = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['other'];

        if (value) {

            resObj.other = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['password'];

        if (value) {

            resObj.password = value;


        console.log("*********************\n . dataSetObj\n"+JSON.stringify(resObj)+"\n*********************\n");

        return resObj;



// crmObject generates an object for saving to the wix-crm

    crmObject() {

        let crmObj = {};

        let value = this.contactRecordObject['_id'];

        if (value !== null && this.maskSet('_id')) {

            crmObj._id = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['firstName'];

        if (value !== null && this.maskSet('firstName')) {

            crmObj.firstName = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['lastName'];

        if (value !== null && this.maskSet('lastName')) {

            crmObj.lastName = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['other'];

        if (value !== null && this.maskSet('other')) {

            crmObj.other = value;


        value = this.contactRecordObject['email'];

        if (value !== null) {

            crmObj.emails = [value];

            if (this.maskSet('loginEmail')) {

                crmObj.loginEmail = value;




        console.log("*********************\n . crmObj\n"+JSON.stringify(crmObj)+"\n*********************\n");

        return crmObj;



// changeMask is used to set or clear a proprty mask setting

    changeMask(property, setMask) {

        let setMaskBit = (setMask ? true : false);

        if (property) {


            let mask = this.masks[property];

            if (mask) {

                if (setMaskBit) {

                    // Set the mask bit

                    this.changesMask |= mask;

                } else {

                    // Clear the mask bit

                    this.changesMask &= ~mask;




        console.log('changesMask = '+ this.changesMask);



// addValueForElement takes an element object as input and extracts its value property

// adding it to the contactRecord object

    addValueForElement(elementId) {

        console.log(typeof elementId);

        let element = this.normalizeElement(elementId);

        if (element && {





// addValueForProperty adds the value passed as a parameter to the property for the contactRecord object

    addValueForProperty(value, property) {

        if (value !== null && property !== null && this.contactRecordObject[property] !== value) {

            this.contactRecordObject[property] = value;

            this.changeMask(property, true);




// deleteValueForProperty frmoves a property and its value from the contactRecord object

    deleteValueForProperty(property) {

        if (property) {

            delete this.contactRecordObject[property];

            if (this.masks[property]) {

                // Clear the mask

                this.changeMask(property, false);





// normalizeElement takes either an element or an element name and returns an element

    normalizeElement(elementId) {

        let element = elementId;

        if (elementId && typeof elementId === 'string') {

            element = $w('#'+elementId);


        return element;




let contactObject = null;

let thisUser = null;


// Inituialize page view and related variables

$w.onReady(function () {

    clearContact(); // Forces the creation of a new contact object

    clearError(); // Hides any error info

    // Checks for a logged in user. If one is logged in then the logged in info is used

    // to load the page




// Convenience function to show info text box

function showInfo(message) {

    $w('#info').text = message;




// Convenience function to hide info text box

function hideInfo() {

    $w('#info').text = '';




// ContactRecord Object getter. Will load a new object if clearContact has been called

function contact() {

    if (!contactObject) {

        // Create a new record if we don't have one

        contactObject = new contactRecord();


    return contactObject;



// discard contactRecordObject

function clearContact() {

    contactObject = null;



// Loads element properties for a logged in user

function loadUser() {

    thisUser = wixUsers.currentUser;

    // If user is logged in we need to load UI with conact info if we have it

    if (thisUser.loggedIn) {

        // Get the user email info


        .then((email) => {

            if (!email) {

                throw Error('INFO: No email for logged in user');



            return loadLocalContactRecord(email);


        .then((contactResult) => {

            // We found a matching record so update the page



        .catch((error) => {

            // No matching record






// loadPageProperties - walks through the data from our data collection and populates the page elements

function loadPageProperties(contactData) {

    if (contactData) {

            let value = contactData['contactId'];

            if (value) {

                $w('#id').value = value;



            value = contactData['firstName'];

            if (value) {

                $w('#firstName').value = value;



            value = contactData['lastName'];

            if (value) {

                $w('#lastName').value = value;



            value = contactData['email'];

            if (value) {

                $w('#email').value = value;



            value = contactData['other'];

            if (value) {

                $w('#other').value = value;






// loadLocalContactRecord is used to query the local data collection for a matching contactRecord

function loadLocalContactRecord(email) {

    if (!email) {

        throw Error("INTERNAL ERROR: Email address missing");


    return wixData.query('CreateContactUpdate')

    .eq('email', email)


    .then((results) => {

        // We only want one result anything else means we haven't saved a record yet or we have a logic problem

        if (results.totalCount !== 1) {

            let errorObj = new Error('INFO: Missing or too many records for '+email);

            errorObj.dataQueryCount = results.totalCount;

            throw errorObj;


        // We have a result

        return results.items[0];




// updateLocalContactRecord is used to write the data in our contactRecord object to the local database

function updateLocalContactRecord() {

    if (!contact().ready()) {

        throw Error('INFO: Missing Mandatory Field');


    return'CreateContactUpdate', contact().object());



// updateCRMRecord - makes sure that we only deal with a single CRM record.

export async function updateCRMRecord() {

    if (!contact().ready()) {

        throw Error('INFO: Missing Mandatory Field');


    // Check to see if we already have this record in the wix-crm

    return loadLocalContactRecord(contact().object().email)

    .then((contactResult) => {

        // We already have this record use its id in the create request

        if (contactResult && contactResult.contactId) {

            // Record is being updated Get the CRM ID

            contact().addValueForProperty(contactResult.contactId, "_id");


        console.log("Updating ["+contact().object().email+"]");

        return wixCrm.createContact(contact().crmObject());


    .catch((subError) => {

        // We will get an error if the contact is not in our local database or we have too many

        // Too many is an error. Zero means we need to save this record

        if (!subError.message.indexOf("INFO:") === 0 && subError['dataQueryCount'] !== 0) {

            // Error is not ignorable!

            throw subError;


        // This is the first time we have saved this record

        console.log("First Ever Save For ["+contact().object().email+"]");

        // Get the crom formated object from our contactRecord object and call createContact

        let crmObject = contact().crmObject();

        return wixCrm.createContact(crmObject)

        .then((crmRecordId) => {

            // Successful creation

            if (crmRecordId) {

                if (!contact().crmObject()._id) {

                    // Update the contactRecod object id

                    contact().addValueForProperty(crmRecordId, "_id");

                } else if (contact().crmObject()._id !== crmRecordId) {

                    // CRM and data collection are out of synch

                    throw Error("Error: CRM Record update returned additional contactId");



            // Update the local data collection

            return updateLocalContactRecord();


        .catch ((error) => {

            let errorMessage = 'WixError '+(error instanceof Error ? error.message + (error.stack ? '\nStack Trace:\n'+error.stack : ""): error);

            throw new Error(errorMessage);





// Error display convenience function

function showError(message) {

    if (message) {

        $w('#error').text = message;





// Error hide convenience function

function clearError(){

    $w('#error').text = "";




// email_change - Detect a change in the email address. If the email is in the local data collection then retrieve the info

// and fillout the page elements

export function email_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:



    // Fetch loacl record


    .then(contactResult => {

        // Update page elements



    .catch(error => {

        // Email not yet in our collection and likely not in our crm





// Convenience functions to Update the contact record object properties

export function password_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:





export function firstName_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:





export function lastName_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:





export function other_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:





// submitButton_click(event) updates the CRM with the form data if it is valid

export async function submitButton_click(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:

    try {

        if (contact().ready()) {

            await updateCRMRecord()

            .then((contactId) => {




            .catch((err) => {

                throw err;


        } else {

            throw Error("INFO: Missing mandatory records");


    } catch (err) {






// Enables the button that will send an email to the registered user

function showEmailButton() {




// sendEmail_click(event) - performs the triggered email send functionality.

// Uses wix-crm emailContact function.

export function sendEmail_click(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:

    wixCrm.emailContact('CCUETestEmail', contact().crmObject()._id)

    .then(() => {

        showInfo("Test Email Sent!");


    .catch((error) => {





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ContactRecord Class
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