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Working Example

List to filter

Repeater: #repeater1

Replace an Inverter



Replace an Inverter


Solar Edge

Replace an Inverter



Replace a Solar Panel


Solar World

Replace a Solar Panel



Replace a Solar Panel


Solar Edge

Replace an Inverter



Replace an Inverter

String Inverter


Replace an Inverter



Replace an Inverter

String Inverter


Replace an Inverter

String Inverter


Replace a Solar Panel



Replace a Solar Panel



Replace a Solar Panel


One Solar

Number of List items:

Dropdown: #serviceList


Button: #resetButton

Dropdown: #inverterTypeList

Dropdown: #supplierList

Text: #itemCount


Show Dataset ---->

Screenshot 2018-08-30 at 17.25.12.png
Working Example

Page Code

// For full API documentation, including code examples, visit

import wixData from 'wix-data';


// Javascript Class to manage dropdown data filtering

// When an object created from this class is given a dataset with the fields 'service', 'inverterType' and 'supplierName'

// The object will generate unique column lists formatted to be passed directly to a $w.DropDown.options property.

class dropDownData {

    constructor(recordList = []) {




    // Call this function to initialise the object data set and reset the column lists.

    updateRecordList(recordList) {

        this.list = recordList;




    resetFieldLists() { = [];

        this.inverters = [];

        this.suppliers = [];



// Returns a unique list based on the values in the services column

    // The list contains objects with key value pairs for the keys 'label' and 'value'

    servicesList() {

        if ( === 0) {

            // We haven't initialised serviceList yet yet so set it up

   = this.uniqueColumnListForField('service');





    // Returns a unique list based on the values in the inverterType column

    // The list contains objects with key value pairs for the keys 'label' and 'value'

    invertersList() {

        if (this.inverters.length === 0) {

            // We haven't initialised inverterList yet yet so set it up

            this.inverters = this.uniqueColumnListForField('inverterType');


        return this.inverters;



    // Returns a unique list based on the values in the supplierName column

    // The list contains objects with key value pairs for the keys 'label' and 'value'

    suppliersList() {

        if (this.suppliers.length === 0) {

            // We haven't initialised supplierList yet so set it up

            this.suppliers = this.uniqueColumnListForField('supplierName');


        return this.suppliers;



    // Helper method for extracting column records and making them unique

    // All list methods use this to generate list containing objects with

    // key value pairs for the keys 'label' and 'value' which is expected

    //by the $w.DropDown.options property

    uniqueColumnListForField(field) {

        let result = [];

        let uniqueValues = []; // Used to ensure values in the list are unique

        this.list.forEach(item => {

            let fieldValue = item[field];

            // Only store field values that we haven't yet seen. Skip null values

            if (fieldValue && !uniqueValues.includes(fieldValue)) {

                uniqueValues.push(fieldValue); // Remember this value to maintain uniqueness

                // Save the resulting information in the format required by the DropDown options list.

                result.push({'label':fieldValue, 'value':fieldValue});




        // Return the list sorted by the label of the options list.

        return sortObjectArrayBy(result, "label");




let dropDownRecords = new dropDownData();


$w.onReady(function () {

    //We initialise the drop downs here once the data we need is available.

    $w('#servicesDataset').onReady(() => {





// We update the drop down lists from the currently filtered dataset.

// The data set is filtered by values from the drop down lists

function updateDropDownOptions() {

    // Use getItems to load all items available from the filtered dataset

    // When we apply a filter (see updateRepeaterFilter()) this gets called to reload the drop downs


        .then((results) => {

            // Update our dropdown object with the new data record list


            // Update the counter on screen

            $w('#itemCount').text = results.totalCount;

            // Load/Reload dropdown data sets from our dropdown list data object

            $w('#serviceList').options = dropDownRecords.servicesList();

            $w('#inverterTypeList').options = dropDownRecords.invertersList();

            $w('#supplierList').options = dropDownRecords.suppliersList();




// Function to filter dataset based upon the filter drop down values

function updateRepeaterFilter() {

    // Empty filter will remove existing filters so if none of the dropdowns have values all

    // Table records will be available to the repeater.

    let repeaterFilter = wixData.filter();

    // If we have any filter values we simply join them together using .eq()

    if ($w('#serviceList').value) {

        repeaterFilter = repeaterFilter.eq('service', $w('#serviceList').value);


    if ($w('#inverterTypeList').value) {

        repeaterFilter = repeaterFilter.eq('inverterType', $w('#inverterTypeList').value);


    if ($w('#supplierList').value) {

        repeaterFilter = repeaterFilter.eq('supplierName', $w('#supplierList').value);


    // Update the filter on the dataset


    .then(() => {

        // When we get here the dataset will be filtered so we need to reset the drop downs from the

        // newly filtered record list





// Helper functions triggered when we make a filter list selection in a drop down

export function serviceList_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:




export function inverterTypeList_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:




export function supplierList_change(event) {

    //Add your code for this event here:




// Because the filter for the repeater uses multiple fields and these result in restricting the dropdown

// Option lists we need to reset the drop down lists to undefined to get all of the options back and

// repopulate the repeater.

// We could have a reset option as a button next to each drop down or add a drop down option of reset but this

// works for the purposes of this example

export function resetButton_click(event, $w) {

    // Reset the filter list undefined forces the dropdown placeholder text to be displayed.

    $w('#serviceList').selectedIndex = undefined;

    $w('#inverterTypeList').selectedIndex = undefined;

    $w('#supplierList').selectedIndex = undefined;

    // With no drop down values selected the repeater filter will be cleared and all repeater items

    // will be displayed




// Dedicated function that can be used to sort an array of objects. It takes the array and the name of the object property to sort by.

function sortObjectArrayBy(objectArray, objectProperty = "label") {

    // Check if we have an array

    let result = objectArray;

    if (objectArray instanceof Array) {

        // We have a valid Array lets get the list of properties

        // We will use the sort function which uses a compare function to determine how to sort the array

        result = objectArray.sort((a,b) => {

            // a and b contain objects from the array to compare.

            // We will sort by the objectProperty so extract the property value to compare with

            let propertyA = a[objectProperty];

            let propertyB = b[objectProperty];

            let compareResult = 0; // Default the same

            if (typeof propertyA === "string" && typeof propertyB === "string") {

                // We have two values to compare

                compareResult = propertyA.localeCompare(propertyB);


            return compareResult;



    return result;


Page Code
Dropdown Events
Dropdown Filter
Update Dropdowns
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